All intellect improovments have got backround in free time.
Author: Dr Johnson
Intelligence is something what you are using when you dont know what to do.
Author: Jean Piaget
But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.
Author: Bible / Luke 12
It is a question what is more valuable for a scientist, or knowledge of facts or fantasy.
Author: Albert Einstein
Even below the tattered hat often wise head resides.
Author: Slovak saying
Man has got three options how to do wisely. First by thinking : That is most generous. Second by copying: That is easiest. Third by experience: That is the hardest.
Author: Confucius
Joy of seeing and knowing is biggest gift of nature.
Stone of wisdom lies in the eagles nest.
Author: -
Iteligency without ambitions is like a bird without wings.
Author: Salvador Dali
All improovments of intellect has got the base in free time.