you can use google, i cant disalllow you to do that.But try it anyway without that. What kind of good feeling you can have of not solving question by yourself?
dont depreciate the name of the task,could be a hidden help in it
when task includes a help, you will see a hint just next to the name of task. When task is more difficult you will see more hints. Some hints you can see immidiately, some are shown after a time. Example: First hint you can see immidiately, second after one hour, third after 12 hours and so on.
- Hint which is active and which you can use (Active is always only one hint)
- Hint which you have already used (used hints are shown with black letters just below the name of the task)
- Hint which is not active yet. (When you will stand cursor on the hint you will find out in how much time you can use that hint)
all answer write without diacritic
when you will solve all questions of one category, you will get relevant diamond. When a new question is added in that category you will loose the diamod until you will not solve that added new question.
competivity is in everyone of us, but do it for fun mostly
dont write correct answers into comments and dont help the others. If you think that some task is more difficult and needs more hints, then write me.
all tasks have only one correct answer, except of those in category Associations. Reason is simple, associations to one word can be uncountable
some tasks are easy to solve, or answer is number between 1 to 10, so i decided to set timecontrol. That means, that for some tasks you have for example only one hour to find out correct answer. The timecontrol by the task is shown by this picture
and next to it a number which is showing in how much time you can try to guess correct answer again, if you have wrote wrong answer.
Intelligence Inside
All improovments of intellect has got the base in free time.