During christmas you have chance to get special christmas hint. This tradition is active since year 2007. People like it, some of them even count with that whole year.
Rules are following:
Everyone of you can get the golden hint.
Condition is to send an email on 24th. of december between 0:00 and 23:59 on address vianoce@brainquest.sk .Emails sended before or after time written above will not be accepted.
The golden hint im giving to one person for one riddle chosen by this person on her own.
This hint will be above standard, so you can solve riddle more easily.
But still it will be only a help not complete answer.
Using of this hint will be shown in your statistics.
Another condition is that you have to have filled in all your personal details in BQ including a picture. Before sending email, check your profile, cause since your last filling of profile details could have been by me new details questions added.
Important is that you will send me email from the same email as written in your profile on BQ.
Into email write me down for which task or riddle you need the golden hint. Also write down what you have tried everything to solve it, how far did you get already in solving that and so on. It is because everybody will get hint most suitiable to him.
If the riddle has got more steps leading into correct answer, you will get the help just where you have got stucked. So that means if the riddle has got three steps and you cant get through first one you will get the help for the first step.
Try to ask for a hint for riddle which you can solve then. It is not necessary, it is just an advice. Example: if you havent solved solved any of crypto riddles and you will choose a hint for hardest of crypto questions then it is not a big chance for you that you will solve the riddle.
Try to ask for a hint smartly, cause to some questions i cant give a hint. Example: Laboratorium, Virus, which are questions in category Adventure. In each task there could be more levels and if you have reached for example 10th level of 15, you can get hint for 11th level.
Christmas hint is not a must for you and neither for me. It is given for a joy. If i will get a feeling that somebody is trying to get more hints under a false email adress, or i will see any unfair behaving, i will not sent a christmas hint to that concrete person. This never happend till now so i hope it will not happen also in future.
You have to be stuck on curent riddle for at least 30 days
You must have solved at least 30% of all riddles
I will try to send you answers as soon as possible, but dont expect that in the same day as you have sent me an email.
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