Welcome to the portal with the highest number of logic riddles and rebuses. Beside riddles targeted as logical puzzles you are going to learn how to decrypt encrypted messages. Finds secret messages hidden in pictures, music or in simple poems or rhymes. A popular puzzle category with purely logical character are undoubtedly Zebra puzzles. And the most popular puzzles are of Orbis Pictus category, where I all have equal chances, where you have to find just what you see in the picture. Try how you stand with general knowledge. Please login and certainly you will find something new to learn.
News Portal news
01.02.25 00:05 Automatic processing of Beta riddles. Number of riddles go live : 8. Number of discarted riddles: 0.
01.01.25 11:00 New Beta riddles from category Orbis pictus released by . You can expect Up to the Hill . Have fun.
23.12.24 12:38 New Beta riddles from category Orbis pictus released by Dartagnan . You can expect Rock the Blocks . Prepare your pen and paper and go for it.
About project breanteasers, logic games and mainly fun
Brain Quest is a project, which contains rebuses, riddles, logic tasks. All selected to categories.
It is a contest portal, so answer u will not find out until u will write down the correct answer. Number of trials is counted and also the time u needed for correct answer.
I believe, that time u will spend on this site will be fun for you but also a good way how to improove your logic thinking and general knowledge.